Contact information

    On this page you will find the contact information for the Turku Fair Center. You can best reach us on weekdays Mon–Fri by e-mail

    The staff’s own e-mail addresses are in the format and on this page you will also find direct telephone numbers.

    For general information about the Turku Fair Center, please contact (02) 337 111 on weekdays (Mon–Fri) from 9 am to 3 pm.

    Contact information for Restel’s restaurant: Maarit Salovaara, Restel tel. +358 400 366 512.

    Turku Fair Center
    Messukentänkatu 9–13
    PO Box 57
    FI-20210 Turku

    Visiting address: Turku Fair Center, Messukentänkatu 9–13, 20210 Turku. For the navigator, you should choose Kirjaltajankatu as the address.

    Business Privacy Register Policy

    Consumer PrivacyRegister Policy




    Jouni Kaunisto Sales Manager 040 532 4747
    Michael Koivisto Sales Manager 0400 636 420
    Toni Nikula Sales Manager 044 722 2515
    Marjo Onnela Sales Manager 044 9868 999

    Fair projects

    Anniina Jokinen Project Manager 044 0911808
    Annina Katre Event Coordinator 044 722 2502
    Henna Laaksonen Project Manager 041 731 3691
    Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen Program Director, Turku Book Fair
    Heidi Sinisalo Sales and Development Director 044 972 6620

    Rental of facilities to event organisers

    Päivi Hoikkala Business Unit Director EVENTS 040 558 9928
    Michael Koivisto Sales Manager 0400 636 420
    Sari Ruusumo Sales Manager 044 578 9725

    Construction of fairs and events / fair services

    Jesse Kujamäki Production coordinator 044 7222 505
    Markku Lempinen Hall Manager 040 742 7930


    Turku Book and Food Fair

    Financial administration


    Turku Fair Centre Ltd

    Päivi Rytsä Managing Director 050 596 0773

    Restaurant Festo


    No news available